The ADRC provides streamlined access to information, care options, short-term case management and benefits enrollment across a spectrum of long-term care services and supports. Options Counselors can refer as well as connect you to an array of services. Our ADRC is a key component in Indiana's No Wrong Door (NWD) initiative to provide one-stop information and referral that will make it easier for all populations in need of long-term services and supports (LTSS) to learn about and access available services and supports.
What services can I receive from the
Aging & Disability Resource Center (ADRC)?
You can receive information and referral as well
as application and assessment for various
federal and state-funded programs such as
Medicaid Waiver, Medicare Low-Income
Subsidy, Meals on Wheels, State Health
Insurance Assistance Program (SHIP), as well as
non-income based private pay services to stay
safe and independent in your own home.
Are there eligibility requirements or costs to participate?
There is no cost to call the ADRC for information
and assistance. However, each program will
have its own set of eligibility requirements and
your Options Counselor can provide you with
those specific requirements.
The State Health Insurance Assistance Program (SHIP) is an unbiased counseling program provided by the Indiana Department of Insurance for Medicare Beneficiaries in Indiana.